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Well, I graduated. Woohoo! 🥳 Over the years, I wrote many different articles, essays, and random musings; it was fun. A realization came to me – there are some pieces I have that are too big for a blog, nor are they stories. Please enjoy some of my longer writings below. I intend to continue writing something more intriguing, flashier, and more flamboyant! 🎇💥⚡️

♥️ The Ideal of Love in Brothers Karamazov

What does it mean to love someone? This is the question I asked myself many times over my own life with its tried and failed attempts at love. Fatefully, one summer, I discovered Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which reinvented the many ways I used to perceive what life has to offer. Standing here, I realize what a transitional experience it has been for many people who have had the pleasure and struggle to enter Dostoevsky’s mind in what has been acclaimed as one of the supreme achievements in world literature. One of the essential factors in this moral transformation is discussing the true nature of love. I am interested in researching the following question – “What is the ideal of love for Dostoevsky in Brothers Karamazov?”

–> Read The Ideal of Love in Brothers Karamazov

♠️ Politeness is Dead

This is a sociolinguistic study of how Politeness theory applies to Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls; and what we can learn about how we interact with each other. I worked with Marta Kapszewicz; I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. As a running gag in the graduate course taught by Marc L. Greenberg, I was called Marta II and Marta was Marta III. “Who is Marta I?” you might ask. Well, that is for the select few to know. This was a fascinating project to work on; interestingly enough, it takes its roots in Japanese forms of politeness and social codes. Join us in exploring how we can reason about those concepts both qualitatively and quantitatively! This inspection will allow us to grasp the foundation of human communication and language as a sharp instrument.

–> Read Politeness is Dead

♣️ The Star with No Name

Did you know Romania has a railway line between Bucharest and Sinaia, a mountain resort popular with high society thanks to its gambling and hotel scene? An express train hurriedly runs from its point of departure to its destination. Passengers on the train are either excited to get a lucky gambling streak at a casino or return to business as usual. Interestingly, none of the people on board would know a small provincial town on the railway. But we also must ask ourselves, how would they know? It’s not like the train ever bothers to stop there. This paper will compare the original play from 1944 by Mihail Sebastian, The Star with no Name, and the Soviet film adaptation directed by Mikhail Kozakov, Nameless Star.

–> Read The Star with No Name