avatarMy favorite stuff on the web 🌍

March 3rd, 2020

This list has some of my favorite stuff on the internet, divided into categories with links! The list is completely biased

Abba The Day Before You Came*

Waiting with Makoto Shinkai ζ–°ζ΅· θͺ 

SiM - The Rumbling

Aqua is my Waifu

VanAnimation - Pink hair girl animation

Oh these?

let down your hair, girl

Hot enough to fry an egg


The gift of creation


Damn, boy

Improvisational Comedy

Me and the boys

D City Rock - We are Angels [Anarchy]

Gendo’s paradise

The prophecy is true

Why is the milk gone

Scent Of A Woman - Tango scene

009 Sound System

Scrabble story

Ferris Bueller’s Parade

Sharpest stand-up

Best functional programming

Here is an APL keyboard in unicode characters as a bonus: β—ΌοΈŽ

β•‘ ~  β•‘ !⌢ β•‘ @⍫ β•‘ #⍒ β•‘ $⍋ β•‘ %⌽ β•‘ ^⍉ β•‘ &βŠ– β•‘ *⍟ β•‘ (⍱ β•‘ )⍲ β•‘ _! β•‘ +⌹ β•‘         β•‘
β•‘ `β—Š β•‘ 1Β¨ β•‘ 2Β― β•‘ 3< β•‘ 4≀ β•‘ 5= β•‘ 6β‰₯ β•‘ 7> β•‘ 8β‰  β•‘ 9∨ β•‘ 0∧ β•‘ -Γ— β•‘ =Γ· β•‘ BACKSP  β•‘
β•‘       β•‘ Q  β•‘ W⍹ β•‘ Eβ‹Έ β•‘ R  β•‘ T⍨ β•‘ YΒ₯ β•‘ U  β•‘ I⍸ β•‘ Oβ₯ β•‘ P⍣ β•‘ {⍞ β•‘ }⍬ β•‘  |⊣  β•‘
β•‘  TAB  β•‘ q? β•‘ w⍡ β•‘ e∈ β•‘ r⍴ β•‘ t∼ β•‘ y↑ β•‘ u↓ β•‘ i⍳ β•‘ oβ—‹ β•‘ p⋆ β•‘ [← β•‘ ]β†’ β•‘  \⊒  β•‘
β•‘ (CAPS   β•‘ A⍢ β•‘ S  β•‘ D  β•‘ F  β•‘ G  β•‘ H  β•‘ J⍀ β•‘ K  β•‘ L⌷ β•‘ :≑ β•‘ "β‰’ β•‘         β•‘
β•‘  LOCK)  β•‘ a⍺ β•‘ s⌈ β•‘ d⌊ β•‘ f_ β•‘ gβˆ‡ β•‘ hβˆ† β•‘ j∘ β•‘ k' β•‘ lβŽ• β•‘ ;⍎ β•‘ '⍕ β•‘ RETURN  β•‘
β•‘             β•‘ Z  β•‘ XΟ‡ β•‘ CΒ’ β•‘ V  β•‘ BΒ£ β•‘ N  β•‘ M  β•‘ <βͺ β•‘ >⍙ β•‘ ?⍠ β•‘          β•‘
β•‘  SHIFT      β•‘ zβŠ‚ β•‘ xβŠƒ β•‘ c∩ β•‘ vβˆͺ β•‘ bβŠ₯ β•‘ n⊀ β•‘ m| β•‘ ,⍝ β•‘ .⍀ β•‘ /⌿ β•‘  SHIFT   β•‘